There’s a great book titled, The One Thing. So here’s a question I’ve got for you, if you could achieve only one thing in the next 12 months, what would that one thing be?
What would that one goal or that one successful project be?
I know you are going to achieve more than just one. But if you can only achieve one, what would it be?
For me personally. I have one key goal I want to focus on. Now understand this, I’ve bout about 14 goals I want to achieve for the next 12 months, but if I could only achieve just one, what would that one goal be?
So think about what that one long-term goal is and then break it down.
- What’s the one goal for this month?
- What’s the one goal for this week?
- What’s the one goal for today?
Because for you and I to enhance our self-confidence, our self-esteem and our self-image, is that we need to feel like we’re making progress. I don’t know about you personally, I get the most frustrated when I don’t feel like I’m making progress! If you’re in that area of being frustrated at the moment, you don’t seem to be moving forward, you don’t seem to be moving backward, you’re stuck. Then just focus on the one thing.
What would that one thing be for you to achieve today, this week and this month?
Thank you for watching!