

By Keith Abraham

One of my personal mottos is … Focus on the things that count!

Believe it or not, the goal setting process is easy, the hard part is to remain focused on your goal—that’s the real challenge. As adults, our lives are busy, sometimes complex and riddled with roadblocks. Is it any wonder we lose focus? That’s why it is critical we continue to focus on our key goals.

I love this quote by Henry Ford:


There are a number of ways to focus on your goals. Here are just a few …

Goal Board

Gather pictures of your goals and pin them to a corkboard, wall or the refrigerator door. Put the dates of when you what to achieve the results in those pictures. Use quotes to inspire you. I have known people who wanted to change their physical appearance, so they cut the head off the picture of a great body and put their own head on it as a goal to work towards. Do what ever it takes for you to stay focused and committed to achieving your goals. The Pinterest app is a great platform for a digital goal board.

Tell a Personal Associate, Mentor or Friend

Share with people who are like-minded and trust your goals. It’s good to have someone whom you are accountable to. From time to time, they will remind you about your goal when they check on your progress.

Review Your Goals and Your Plan

Once a month, sit down and review your goals. Check on your progress by acknowledging where you have been successful and identify where you need to improve your efforts.

Rewrite Your Goals

In order to engrave your goals in your mind, rewrite them every day, for 30 days. This will stimulate your subconscious to be thinking about the goals that are important to you. It is a process that will assist you in creating lateral plans for your achievement.

Create a Goal Card

One of my favourite methods of focus is to write goals out on a small card and read them every day. It is a great way to keep your goals portable. You may keep the card in your wallet, handbag, alongside your bed or on the bathroom mirror.

Meditate on Your Goals

Often we don’t take time out to just be. Once a day, take 5 to 15 minutes to meditate, to have some quiet time, to get reconnected with yourself, your purpose, your passion and your goals. It is not as easy as it sounds just to stop the mind from thinking about 500 things at once.

Electronic Reminders

Previous workshop participants have put their goals either as pictures or words on their computer or electronic devices as wallpapers or screensavers. I’ve created a number of iPhone wallpapers available free to download here.

Cross Off Each Step Completed

There is a magical feeling in placing a tick alongside a completed task or crossing out a milestone you have reached. If you have been working towards a saving goal, this is a particularly good method. Create a picture of a thermometer and colour it in as you reach your various milestones.

Experience Your Goals

Go and experience it, feel it, do it and be it for an hour or a day. Your mind needs pictures and feelings it can anchor on to. If you want to go on a holiday to Europe, go to a travel agency and collect brochures, read books and talk to people that have done what you want to do. They may even show you their photo album or videos.

Celebrate Your Successes

If you are going to work flat out to achieve your goals and you don’t celebrate, your subconscious is going to question the reason why you are doing it.

