What would happen if you achieved 29 of your most important goals?
In 2012, I conducted a series of workshops based around the Inspired Workshop, with more than 1,200 people attending from Westpac New Zealand. The focus of this workshop was to assist their team members to gain personal clarity and confidence, so they could go and do what’s important to them, what matters to them and to explore the possibilities that life has to offer.
I recently received a LinkedIn message from Matt who attended one of the workshops.
Hi Keith,
I hope you are well, that’s probably a silly question as I know you’ll be doing great. I was at a workshop over the last two days and told the team how I quit my job a few months after attending a Westpac workshop with you in 2012. The workshop was “not another bloody workshop”. One of the goals I noted down was to quit work and go travelling for six months. To this day it’s one of the best things I have ever done. I’ve now ticked 29/100 things off that list of 100 Lifetime Goals. Your workshop has been so inspirational for me and really resonated with me. I’m living my best life.
Regards, Matt.
What would happen to your confidence, your level of belief in yourself and your personal momentum in life if you achieved just five key goals in the next 12 months? Do you know what those goals would be for you? Each one of us has dreams, desires and destinations we want to arrive at in our life, however to key to arriving at them is defining them, designing a plan to get there and having the drive to do something about them!