Each time you set and achieve one of your goals, it opens a gateway to your next goal. It could be a known goal or an unknown goal. What I do know is that by achieving your goal, it opens a pathway to something new for you. Whether that’s a new found confidence, a new belief in yourself, or a new opportunity in your life.
For over 30 years, I’ve been asking anyone who would listen to write a list of 100 goals they want to achieve in their lifetime. For the last 15 years we have kept a record of those goals, and here is something interesting we found.
On average, people had achieved 40 of those goals in just 3 years.
Just image if you achieved 40 of your goals in the next 3 years, whether they were big or small. Do you think your life would change? Do you think some doors would open for you that were not there before?
What goals are you going to achieve this year that will open doors for you next year?