

By Brooke Dorratt

Here I am with Dean Yeo, a great guy who’s been in the Real Estate industry for many years. A little while ago he shifted focus to assist Real Estate business owners who were selling their business. As part of his give back to his online community, we have created a series of 90 second video tips.

You can watch the first video tip on the video above and download the 25 Questions worksheet.

Dean Yeo: Hey everyone. It’s Dean. I’ve got Keith with me today. Now five tips, five days. Here’s the first one, do you have a big enough reason why?

Keith Abraham:  Good question! You know, here’s what I can tell you. When the why becomes clear, the how becomes easy. And all too often—rarely do people know their why—and so, you will have seen people talk about ‘it starts with why’ and stuff like that. But they never really tell you, well how do I get there? What are the 10 questions I need to ask myself? You can go to my website and you can get the 10 Questions, but let me give you the key solution on how to do this.

And I’ve been doing this now for 30 plus years with people, helping people to set more than, wow, what are we up to now? About 14 million goals globally.

Dean: Wow.

Keith:  So it’s really simple. You have to write down a list of 100 goals you want to achieve in a lifetime. Now, I’m not going to say this arrogantly but I can get anyone to 100 and I’ll tell you the reason why. If I can ask you 25 questions and you can come up with four answers for each question, you get to 100.

So you can get those 25 Questions from my website—and you don’t have to sign up for anything, you don’t have to put your name in, you can just download them from the Resource area.

And then here’s the other thing, is that I can share with you some statistics. So for about the last 15 years, we’ve measured what happens when people set their 100 goals. Here’s what I can tell you. In the first three years, you’ll achieve on average 42.

Dean: Nearly half?!

Keith:  Nearly half. And if you let it go for five years, it’s up to 71.

Dean: Wow.

Keith: Good activity to do, and that helps you find your why.

