It’s all about how you respond and what you do next.
As you know, I travel frequently as I pursue my passions. Travel is part of the process that creates the opportunity for me to speak and inspire more people around the world. But, not everything goes to plan all of the time.
I had one of those days last week …
3.00am: Wake up excited, today I’m going home to see Kristine and my girls.
6.00am: On the flight, doors closed ready to take off. I’m flying from Alaska to LAX to catch my connecting flight home.
6.02am: Over the intercom, the pilot announces the plane has a fault in its navigation system, and requires a part from Seattle. This won’t happen until 3.00pm.
4.15pm: I’m on a flight to Seattle, to then change airlines to catch a flight to LAX, where by this time I will miss my connection from LAX to Brisbane. We take off. Nasty turbulence.
8.00pm: Medical emergency on board.
8.45pm: Land in Seattle, wait on the plane while the gentleman is taken off the flight for emergency medical treatment.
9.15pm: Catch 3 trains, and just in time for my connection from Seattle to LAX.
11.55pm: Arrive 6 minutes ahead of schedule. Things are looking up! My luck has turned! I just have to collect my luggage before heading to the hotel my team has organised for me.
12.15am: Standing at the luggage carousel … you guessed it … no luggage.
12.30am: Complete the appropriate paperwork with the Baggage Services. It will arrive tomorrow morning.
12.45am: Go to catch the Hotel Shuttle.
1.10am: Arrive at the Hotel, they cannot locate my booking! After a number of minutes, they finally find it.
1.30am: In my room. I am glad that day is behind me!
10.30am: I wonder where my luggage is? I call Baggage Services, it was sent to the wrong hotel!
You have to laugh.
Is it inconvenient? Absolutely it is. Could I have lost it? Absolutely I could have. I really made a conscious decision not to get upset. It would have made me feel good at the time but it would not have altered the circumstances. I just kept focus on what I could control.
I cannot control what happens, but I can control how I respond and what I do next! This day was a good lesson and reminder for me.
How are you responding to circumstances in your life and what are you going to do next?