When I talk to people about their goals, most people talk in general vague terms. I want to save money, lose some weight, buy a house, pay off my house, put the kids into a great school, help the kids through school, have a good education, do well in my job, find a loving partner, retire well and travel in retirement. These are the goals that society sets and expects for each of us to achieve and they are great milestones.
However, very few people ever take the time to determine what these goals mean to them specifically! What type of house? Where is it located? How many bedrooms? What is it near? How big is the block of land? How much would I pay for it? What other features do I want? What does every one of the above goals really mean to you?
You will never achieve what you really want, unless you can determine what it is that you exactly want.
Become clear, to become focused.
Become clear, to manifest what you really want.
Your focus determines your future and it will determine where you need to invest your time, energy and resources.